Transforming Leader Development: Addressing Challenges and Unleashing Potential
Clients are often astonished by the incredible impact their leaders report from their High Impact Projects. Results ranging from an average of $18,000 for a Professional leader to $280,000 for a Leader of Leaders seem unbelievable even after participants reduce the impact by only attribution to our programs. Why is the most common reaction disbelief? Decades of investing in leaders without seeing measurable results answers that question. Leader development and learning are seen as cost, rather than investments that deliver returns on their investment. Yet our clients find Pearson’s Law to be true– what gets tracked and reported, improves exponentially. Just like Yoshiharu Watanabe’s journey to grow a 63-leaf clover, these projects show that with dedication and the right environment, leaders achieve extraordinary results. Just like Learn2, Watanabe’s success didn’t come overnight. He started in 2012, using both natural and hand-pollination techniques, and faced many setbacks along the way. His persistence and innovative approach paid off, breaking a world record. Similarly, High Impact projects engage leaders to apply their new skills and tools to push beyond conventional limits. Here’s how: 1. Dedication and Persistence: Leaders commit to their ongoing development, deliberately practicing to overcome challenges and strive for a specific result. 2. Innovative Methods: Encouraged to explore new approaches, leaders combine structured coaching with creative freedom to achieve remarkable outcomes. 3. Learning from Setbacks: Like Watanabe, leaders learn from failures, adapting and refining their leadership approaches. 4. Nurturing Potential: The right environment is crucial. High Impact Projects offer the perfect setting for leaders to unlock their full potential. Clients often witness their leaders achieving groundbreaking results, similar to the surprise and delight Watanabe felt with his 63-leaf clover. The most common feedback from clients is, “I can’t believe our leaders have this much impact!” High Impact Projects reveal the true potential of leaders and the actual value of investing in your leaders. Just as Watanabe’s clover symbolizes extraordinary achievement, leaders emerging from these projects drive substantial, lasting impact. Clients are often left in awe, witnessing their leaders exceed expectations and transform their organizations.Curious about the return on investment for High Impact projects? Message me about our ROI calculator to see how these projects can transform your organization too. Calculate your ROI with our Learn2 ROI Calculator here