
Team Building Programs » Retail Skills Development » RETAIL CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAINING


Create Better Customer Experiences with Our Retail Sales Training Program

It costs 5 times more to obtain a customer than to retain an existing one and after years of earning a loyal customer then it takes seconds to lose one. In retail, having a competitive advantage is now more important than ever. The first step to ensuring customer retention and loyalty is to develop your customer service and sales teams.

Learn2 Retail Customer Sales and Service Training for Retail Skills Development


Connect quickly, creating a comfort zone right away

Avoid the dreaded, “I’m just looking” and turn it into, “I actually need…”

Ask the right questions to determine needs sooner

Showcase the product in it’s best light

Overcome the, “I’ll think about it” and turn it into, “I’ll take it”

Leave a lasting impression, one that will have the customers return again and again

Some of the Leadership activities seems, well… wildly different! Are you sure my participants won’t think they are silly? 

Doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers, executives, IT geeks and Olympic athletes & coaches say no. Different styles of activities and challenges guarantee engagement from different participants, so we vary the activities for full engagement.

How much do these leadership development programs cost? 

Prices vary based on the number of participants, travel, etc. Many clients are shy about sharing their budget, but we will work within your budget to provide you with a program that will meet your needs. A smaller budget may mean there are fewer bells and whistles, but you can still get a big bang for your buck!

Does Learn2 accommodate those with disabilities? 

Yes, and accommodation is easily identified as Learn2 training programs have achieved results with the Special Olympians, the Deaf Blind Coalition and Paraplegic Association.

Change the Way You Work