What is a leader anyway? Is leadership a skill or an approach that naturally emerges? Can the barriers restricting leadership be removed? By engaging in women leadership development programs participants become conscious of, leadership – not as personal achievement – but rather as process that emerges from bringing together their values, vision and the future of the organization they lead. Ultimately, Women in leadership roles become the force driving the future of the organization.
Experience a 10 module leadership development series – each consisting of a full-day learning experience specifically designed around the strength of women leaders. The modules move female leaders from thinking about leadership – as something they either aspire to or as a set of skills they need to acquire – to being a leader in their organizations and in their lives.
Bold conversations force participants to confront their fears and their authenticity as leaders. Women who attend this workshop discover the impact on themselves, their work lives, and their organization, and gain the clarity required to begin the work of transforming their leadership.
Session 1 – Work Naturally
Participants will learn their unique leadership style and strengths then how to articulate them to others. They will learn how that style best interacts with other personalities. Then the focus shifts to participants’ values, strengths and weaknesses. Covering the 6 C’s of leadership women in your organization reflect on how they can make them part of their own leadership style.
Session 2 – The Mindful Leader
In this session, women in leadership roles will connect their work and projects to the big picture of the organization while accelerating their leadership development. In this leadership development workshop, participants will spend their time:
- Making commitments to drive leadership development
- Using delegation to drive employee development
- Letting go by understanding the competence of team members.
Session 3 – Women Leader’s Presence
The presence women in leadership impacts how they are listened to, how the ideas get heard and when they get trusted. In this leadership development session, participants will learn:
- How you show up matters
- Listening as a noun
- Defining their stance
- Their leadership triggers (SCARF model – Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness + Fairness)
- Opening conversations and meetings POWerfully
Session 4 – Meetings that Produce Results
Meetings illustrate strength of leadership. Deliver results in less time than others with this leadership training session for women. This leadership development workshop covers:
- Getting clear on the purpose of your meeting
- How to accelerate results by having XYZ agendas
- Opening meetings POWerfully
- Asking the right questions to accelerate results
- Getting the right people to your meetings.
Session 5 – Clear Courageous Conversations
In this leadership training session for women, participants focus on having the courage to speak up to increase their contribution and speak out to get for results. The objectives of this workshop include:
- Communicating for high performance through results versus reasons
- Questions are the answer best practice
- Sharing to increase engagement
- Negotiation mindset
- Push pull conversations.
Session 6 – Effectively Lead Change Projects and Handle Resistance
Implementing change requires both the right change tactics and the ability to support individuals through their personal resistance. In this leadership development workshop women learn specific skills like:
- Implementing change simulation “Profit from Change”
- Mobilizing for successful change with self and others
- Implementing change tactics at the right time
- Using the right change tactics to shift all change adopter types
- Implementing through all phases of change
- Handling individual leader and team member resistance.
Session 7 – Leading in Challenging Times
In this leadership training for women, participants will develop vision, understanding, clarity and agility (VUCA) in the face of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) so each leader has the ability to bring what is required to a conversation or situation. The skills learned in this workshop include:
- Self care
- Making difficult decisions
- Collaborative problem solving
- Using Resilience to increase leader effectiveness.
Session 8 – Developing Your Female Leadership including Stakeholders
Get the best from your team and your stakeholders by taking a more strategic approach to women’s leadership development. Learn about Pocket Career Coach app for Strengths and Career Drivers to build and develop women in leadership roles and stakeholders. In this training session participants will learn about:
- Leveraging team strengths
- Working through others
- Development conversations
- GROW Coaching strategies (Goal, Reality, Options, What’s Next)
- Building strength in others
- Helping people stretch
- How to show up in meetings
- Designing and using stories for impact
Session 9 – Leading Up
In this workshop, women in leadership roles will learn the tactics to influence and guide other leaders in the organization to achieve multiple outcomes including:
- Your stakeholder effectiveness
- Leverage your existing value chain
- Impacting across value chains
- Creating powerful results-based conversations and tracking results
- Increasing your visibility and the visibility of your projects
- Leveraging your strengths
- Analyzing what derails your results
Session 10 – Accelerating Your Results
50% of ideas that employees propose get lost so tracking results proves value and creates career opportunities. In this final leadership development workshop in the Women’s Leadership Series, participants learn:
- Every innovation and it’s source gets recognized
- Celebrate improvements in productivity (time), sales increases + effectiveness (profit)
- Apply learning to impact real challenges + seize opportunities
- Watch intangible ideas transform into tangible results.